The Nations gathering at the "Well of Salvation"
Tongue-burning spice, Face-cringing sweetness
Evangelizing to the Stomach.
Evangelism by Immersion: The Mode of Evangelism
Opening curtains wide to see Zion.
God's Word as 'Feast,' not TV dinner.
Pot-bellied Christians catching 180lb sheep?
See you on the front line.
Confused in Christ: Introducing the Momose Family
"We just need more guts."
You are not the loyal servant, Dear Missionary.
Selfish Ambition Is Demonic, Dear Missionary.
We do not 'support' missionaries, but joyfully 'co-suffer' with them.
Missional does not mean 'zealous'
Unashamedly Presbyterian: MTW and church-centric, church planting.
Tabernacle Floor Plan as Evangelistic Tool? Using the OT to reach the Unreached
What does 'sojourning' have to do with missions?
Baking on human dung for the sake of the Gospel.