Unashamedly Presbyterian: MTW and church-centric, church planting.
Hello from sunny California! We arrived in Pasadena, CA on September 10. We have closed our first chapter/term and now transitioning into...
Unashamedly Presbyterian: MTW and church-centric, church planting.
What does 'sojourning' have to do with missions?
Baking on human dung for the sake of the Gospel.
Decision to do church planting.
Presbyterian Great Commision: Make Presbyteries of all nations
When contextualization turns into idolatry.
“Yes, I want to study the word 'Anknüpfungspunkt' for 5 years.
“Wait... the ten plagues as missions?!”
"Are you sure you want to go to WSC?"
What is the most uncultivated mission field?
How can missions split or destroy churches?
What is "missions" exactly?
Is an expectation for numerical growth biblical?
What advances missions and evangelism?
Don't denominations hinder unity?